Friends vs. Aloneness 
by Dewaine Wakeman

Friends: Are they actually real and can we trust them?
Maybe you’ve faced these questions too after being hurt.

If you need to love people, try loving them from a distance. Don’t feel guilty, take your time in learning people. Christ would say, “Guard yourself against the WORLD” Notice, he did not say guard yourself against a ‘few people you don’t trust, he said guard yourself against the entire world.

The friends you come into this world with, are not necessarily the friends you will leave with. We live in a less than perfect world that is often filled with jealousy, greed, hate and backstabbing. You are always your best friend, regardless of the circumstances on which you happen to find yourself in. Friends are only worthy of your time IF they are worthy of your friendship, your respect, and your trust. Be comfortable on occasion to be alone as well, if the relationship does not work out. Don't feel guilty.
It is not a crime to be alone and it does not make you a bad person to be alone either.
Many people in life find themselves alone. 
Hint: Jesus was alone too!

- Dewaine


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