"The Lowest Thing A Human Being Can Do." by Dewaine Wakeman

Selling drugs is the lowest thing a human being can do. If you don't think so, take a look around at all the lives you'll be wrecking.

People will die because of you. (many of them will be quite young) people will grow addicted because of you, law enforcement will become overwhelmed because of you. People in other countries will flee because of you. People will purchase handguns and kill each other because of you (either intentionally, or accidently)  people will rob banks. liquor stores, convenience stores, and torture each other also because of you. Generations of  teens will be convicted and sent to prison because of you, babies will be born deformed, addicted and sickened because of you. Anyway, think this over before you sell drugs, the world's future, good or bad, is in YOUR HANDS!


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