The unexpected but  unavoidable stages of life

The first stage:

We are a born, life is easy, there is plenty of time to figure out life, friendships, hobbies etc.
We have friends. We get along with everyone.
We are all equal. However, Life quickly changes. We NOW have responsibilities.
Our friends have boyfriends and girlfriends of their own as well. Many move away, leaving us never to see them again, often they are too far way to visit or we are too busy with other things and obligations.
We always thought those friends would be around forever – but not very much so so much now as life moved along. There is nothing we can do to change it oh well...

Stage two:

Then we change neighborhoods and friendships ourselves - we take on jobs. We try to accumulate money. We try to raise families to meet their needs and we are busy now working for them; there is little time for ourselves.
It seems however like just yesterday and we were all just kids, playing together, everyone together,
everyone available to do whatever, but suddenly now, it is no more for us, or for them...

Friendships change, people betray us. Our kids grow up and move away (or we remain single). We may get divorced, Face ill health, lose our health care or job (jobs), face life challenges alone without friends or family for some of us, go bankrupt, lose our homes, lose certain people in our lives – people that we really love and miss. We may finally be on our way to financial security or we may struggle and feel overwhelmed, like where did the good life go? How come I missed out on life after trying so hard? Why did nothing work out? Why did someone else succeed? Some of us may lose everything and have to start over!

Stage three: Growing Old.

Here we look around and discover there was never enough time to do, what we THOUGHT we could do with our lives when we were much younger. The books we thought we’d read and have time to get around to are still on the shelf, there isn’t enough hours left in our mere mortal lives to get to the things we though we were going to be able to do when we were much younger. The friends that we though we had at one time, are either dead, or they no longer have the time to talk to us or communicate – they are young folks living busy lives themselves but as for us, we are pretty much on our own. The busy world is much slower, and the slower world now is much more busy.

The moral: don’t take any of your life for granted, time moves quick, we don’t get to pick and choose our lives as much as we think. And, lastly, good or bad to tell, life doesn’t let us sit still, whether from the cradle part of our lives, ultimately to the grave. Don’t have regrets with any of your life, because that doesn’t matter at all, ultimately if you are living -just live! If you keep moving and accept life for what it is you will navigate life more successfully, stop the worrying and the striving, move in the moment – as a dance.… Also, don’t stop doing all you can in this life to make it better for someone else if you can, there is no ultimate free will in life, only decisions and ebbs and flows, God or the “oneness” is the ultimate decider of what is what was and what always will be (sad that we think it’s all about “us” isn’t it?) Do all you can with the things you have and be grateful and respectful to others. Take nothing for granted. Life is short. Above all else – Enjoy life! Don’t take it too seriously!


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