Love Lives Long After (A Re-blog from 2011) by Dewaine Wakeman Well, its finally over: Valentine’s day 2011 draws to a close. Chocolate candies and candles have been cleared off, cards and packages are tucked well away, hugs and kisses have subsided, the gourmet meals have all been served - and the day, in its totality, even those intimate moments, (forgive the mention) are now finished for everyone. And what about the day of love itself? Why do we celebrate it? Why do we confine it to the celebration of a single day, and a predictable day at that? Would the saints and the poets view this day with any more or any less skepticism? I’m thinking of my father. A few years ago, he made a personal wedding gift for my mother. I was awe struck by his thoughtful gift, as any reflective person would have been. He delivered it to her perfectly on the day without fan fare of their anniversary, coming home from w...
Showing posts from October, 2018